Friends of the African Union

We, the African Diaspora in the USA, can be a change Africa needs – now .

African American

#BlackFolksPlan#justeconomy#UNUPR3rd GA400 Year CommemorationAfrican AmericanAU Sixth RegionCivil SocietyDecade of the People of African DescentFAU BureauFAU USAHealthHuman Rights CouncilMLK DayPetition for US Gov

A public private partnership proposal to solve the problems of Black Folk in the USA using the UN Universal Periodic Review of the USA

January 27th – We attended and presented the enclosed document at the US Government consultation with civil society. The U.S.

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3rd GAAfricaAfrican AmericanAfrican UnionAfrican Union Mission to USAAmbassador Arikana Chihombori-QuaoChairmanCivil SocietyECOSOCCLeadershipPress ReleaseUSA Africa

Dr. Arikana Chihombori-Quao is no longer permanent representative of the African Union Mission to the United States as of 1 November 2019, some facts on her statements

Dr. Chihombori-Quao, a US-trained doctor, took up the position in 2017 and had strong views on France’s occupation and hold over its

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#BlackFolksPlan#justeconomy#UNUPRAfrican AmericanCivil SocietyDaniels IDIQDecade of the People of African DescentECOSOCCExperts on People of African DescentFAU Human Rights Dept.Human Rights CouncilPetition for US GovPublic Private PartnershipUnited Nations (UN)Universal Declaration of Human RightsUSA NGO'sWhite House Opportunity and Revitalization Council

We call it a #BlackFolksPlan is the Title of a UN 2020 Universal Periodic Review of the USA – Solutions to 400 years of African American History (1619-2019): a Solution to Racism using the 2020 Universal Periodic Review of the USA.

The African Diaspora Directorate & its co-founders, such as Friends of the African Union, members and affiliates believes that public-private

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#2019BlackFolksPlan#BlackFolksPlan#justeconomy#UNUPRAfrica Week 2017African AmericanAfrican UnionAU and the UNAU Sixth RegionCivil SocietyCommunity Benefit AgreementDecade of the People of African DescentEconomic Commission for Africa (ECA)ECOSOCECOSOCCExecutive OrdersExperts on People of African DescentFifth Third Bank $30B CBAHuman Rights CouncilInternational Human Rights DayOffice of the Special Adviser on Africa

The CSW63 Friends of the African Union Women’s Manual, 1st Edition

We issue this digital special edition of the Friends of the African Union Women’s Manual in dedication to the 50

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