Friends of the African Union

We, the African Diaspora in the USA, can be a change Africa needs – now .

FAU Canada Bureau

FAU Canada will partner with Canadian Crown corporations

Canadian Crown corporations are enterprises owned by the Sovereign of Canada (ie. the Crown). They are established by an act of the relevant parliament and report to that body via a minister of the Crown in the relevant cabinet, though they are “shielded from constant government intervention and legislative oversight” and thus “generally enjoy greater freedom from direct political control than government departments.”

Crown corporations have a very long standing presence in the country and have been instrumental in the formation of the state. They can provide services required by the public that otherwise would not be economically viable as a private enterprise, or don’t fit exactly within the scope of any ministry. They are involved in everything from the distribution, use, and price of certain goods and services to energy development, resource extraction, public transportation, cultural promotion, and property management.

Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC) supports First Nation communities in the implementation of strong, effective and sustainable governments. Research has shown that effective governance is the single greatest contributing factor to a community’s socio-economic progress and its overall well-being.


FAU First Nations Task Force

Friends of the African Union First Nations Task Force refers to Status and non-status “Indian” peoples in the Americas. 

“First Nations people” refers to Status and non-status “Indian” peoples in Canada. Many communities also use the term “First Nation” in the name of their community. Currently, there are 617 First Nation communities, which represent more than 50 nations or cultural groups and 50 Aboriginal languages.

According to the 2011 National Household Survey, more than 1.4 million people in Canada identify themselves as an Aboriginal person, or 4% of the population. 50% percent are registered Indians, 30% are Métis, 15% are non-status Indians and 4% are Inuit. Over half of Aboriginal people live in urban centres.

Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada’s (AANDC’s) responsibilities and its partnerships with First Nation people and communities range from negotiating land claim and self-government agreements to providing social services, education and economic development. These activities support AANDC‘s mandate and vision, and help to maintain and strengthen the relationship between the Government of Canada and First Nations people.


In support of its mandate and responsibilities, Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC) provides funding for programs, services and initiatives to First Nation, Inuit and Northern communities, government and individuals as well as to Aboriginal and Métis organizations.

Aboriginal Representative Organizations

Indian Government Support Program Funding


Renewable Energy Projects and Energy Projects Integrated with Community Buildings

Infrastructure and Housing