Unsolicited Proposal to US State Dept.
The Unsolicited Proposal contained herein is called the #BlackFolksPlan Solution and is based on response to the statements the US State Department led interagency response to the 2015 United Nations Universal Periodic Review of the USA (#UNUPR) that said “Civil Rights, Ethnic, & Racial Discrimination” is the number one USA human rights problem.
This a DRAFT of a to be developed by August 25th 2019 presented for review by members of Friends of the African Union, the African Disapora Directorate & allies for action by US State Department as part of our updated response to the Universal Periodic Review of the United States of America in 2020 (even through the United States Government is not in the UN HRC).
A 2019 Proposed Unsolicited Proposal to US State Dept.
A GLOBAL AFRICAN AMERICAN STIMULUS PROGRAM is a African Diaspora Directorate Anti-Racism Solution called the #BlackFolksPlan
Offeror’s name and address and type of organization
Carolyn Kennedy
Executive Director, The African Diaspora Directorate
2509 22nd Street, NE
Washington, DC 20018
The African Diaspora Directorate & its affiliates, co-founders and members believes that executive action by the US Government of a $5T Quantitative Easing based debt purchasing program (The Daniels IDIQ) can be a solution for the fundamental injustice, cruelty, brutality, and inhumanity of African slavery in the United States of America (USA and or America) between 1789 & 1866 and progenitors to the 13 American colonies between 1619 & 1789 & its effects subsequently de jure & de facto of racial & economic discrimination on the descendant Americans of America’s African slavery. It will address the damage incurred by past & current federal government racism against freed African Slaves in the USA from 1865 to 1868 & African Americans from 1868 to 2019. It will be a stimulus to the American Economy that
(1) is judicious & addresses solutions to lead poisoning in 7M USA dwellings;
(2) answers under the control of our Federal Executive Branch to the statements in the inter-agency response set forth by the US State Department to the United Nations Universal Periodic Review of the USA in 2015 that said “Civil Rights, Ethnic, & Racial Discrimination” is the number one human rights problem in the USA;
(3) draws on already established Executive authority & market infrastructure;
(4) helps the other Americans through indirect associations by the creation of supportive ancillary jobs & entrepreneurial opportunities thereby supporting the advancement of the American people as a whole, and;
(5) is just adequate enough to implement real changes that reverse long-standing conditions caused by systemic de jure and de facto racial and economic discrimination, as documented in depth elsewhere, that provides a means from 2019 to 2169 to address these issues with a 150-year capital trust to do so.
Names and telephone numbers of technical and business personnel
Carolyn Kennedy
Executive Director, The African Diaspora Directorate
Phone: (240) 417 2726
There is proprietary data to be used.
To Be Submitted: November 28th 2019
Signature of a person authorized to represent and contractually obligate the offer
Carolyn Kennedy