We call it a #BlackFolksPlan is the Title of a UN 2020 Universal Periodic Review of the USA – Solutions to 400 years of African American History (1619-2019): a Solution to Racism using the 2020 Universal Periodic Review of the USA.
The African Diaspora Directorate & its co-founders, such as Friends of the African Union, members and affiliates believes that public-private partnership debt purchasing program (The Daniels IDIQ) can be a solution for the fundamental injustice, cruelty, brutality, and inhumanity of African slavery in the United States of America (USA) between 1789 & 1865 and progenitors to the 13 American colonies between 1619 & 1789 & its effects subsequently de jure & de facto of racial & economic discrimination on the descendant Americans of America’s African slavery. It will address the damage incurred by past & current federal government racism against freed Africans in the USA from 1863 to 1868 & African Americans from 1868 to 2019.
It will be a stimulus to the American Economy that is judicious, good for all of the USA and addresses solutions to the statements in the interagency response set forth by the US State Department to the Universal Periodic Review of the USA in 2015 that said “Civil Rights, Ethnic, & Racial Discrimination” is the number one human rights problem in the USA. It draws on already established government authority and market infrastructure. It is just adequate to implement real changes that reverse long-standing conditions, as documented in depth elsewhere, for the People of African Descent in the USA. There is proprietary data to be used including a digital cyber currency called the African Dollar.
JSTMP25_UPR36_USA_E_Main-2-1In 2015 we were not signed to a bank-based Community Benefit Agreement (“CBA”) for $30.1B, now we are. Under this amended agreement of $32.1B there has been over $24B in investment and philanthropic activity by the bank. It can serve as a model for a new generation of Community Benefit Agreements that we can pursue under US law.
We do so based on our response in 2014 as a UN Authorized Civil Society Joint venture with New Future Foundation, (UN Documents JS51_UPR22_USA_E_Main) that was directed to one of the ten areas to be commented on as subject headings detailed by the US State Dept. in response to the 2015 UPR – (1) civil rights, ethnic, and racial discrimination; (2) criminal justice issues; (3) indigenous issues; (4) national security; (5) immigration; (6) labor and trafficking; (7) economic, social and cultural rights and measures; (8) the environment; (9) domestic implementation of human rights, and; (10) treaties and international human rights mechanisms.
Over the coming year we will detail how the #Black Folks Plan addresses these issues in a national Community Benefit Agreement that is good for People of African Descent in the African Diaspora in the United States of America and for the county as a whole. We will do so by addressing each month detailed solutions around each of these ten areas in reverse order.
The $2.7T FAU smartWISE Community Reinvestment Coalition Housing Program is a $2T #FAUchamber CRC Anchor Organization program that takes lead out of 7 million of America’s housing stock including public housing & has a $700B worker training component with a focus on the 3.75M unemployed African Americans, many of whom are drawn from the HUD Section 3 program. We are identifying 1,000 companies who can meet our requirements. The proposed private-public partnership federal government coordinator is to be Housing & Urban Development. |
The $120B FAU FAU smartWISE Community Reinvestment Coalition New American Rites of Passage Program is based on addressing the needs of African Americans who as citizens of America have a high degree of desperation and hopelessness along with the belief that things can’t change – they can and this program will provide the solutions with a focus on sports and recreation. We are identifying 400 companies who can meet our requirements. The proposed private-public partnership federal government coordinator is to be the White House Office of Public Liaison & Intergovernmental Affairs. |
The FAU smartWISE Community Reinvestment Coalition EDcorp Program invests $100B so as to give African American parents the right to send their kid to the schools of their choice & creates 300 #FAUchamber CRC Anchor Coalitions for Educational Choice. We are identifying 400 companies who can meet our requirements. The proposed private-public partnership federal government coordinator is to be the Department of Education. |
The FAU smartWISE Community Reinvestment Coalition Erase the Digital Divide Program will invest $80B to address the Internet access inequities in the lives of African Americans with a focus on rural schools and libraries delivering the bandwidth required for 21st Century learning to all of Americas poor no matter where they are, through the companies of the Small Business Administration. We are identifying 400 companies who can meet our requirements. The proposed private-public partnership federal government coordinator is to be the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. |
The FAU smartWISE Community Reinvestment Coalition African American Business Program will invest $300B in African American businesses that support the strengthening of America’s exporting to African nations & 250M people of the African diaspora worldwide and $50B to current and future African American farmers including Urban African American farmer. We will directly ask the US Department of Agriculture to start the program out. We do this work in agriculture because African American Farmers have lost, from our citizenship in 1868 over the course of the 20th century, approximately 12 million acres of land. This mass land dispossession story according to Atlantic writer Vann R. Newkirk II in a new documentary was, “—a war waged by deed of title, which has affected 98 percent of black farmers—can only be called theft. This program will address that theft, support for the little offer 22,000 African American Farmers left and the future of African American farming, domestic and foreign farms. We are identifying 50,000 companies that can meet our requirements including the aforementioned African American farmers. The proposed private-public partnership federal government coordinator is to be the Small Business Administration |
The FAU smartWISE Community Reinvestment Coalition African American Health Care Affordable Rate Program will invest $200B through the private sector partners in a national health coalition with over 300 chapters for 40 million-plus Americans. We are identifying 4,000 companies and civil society organizational partners who can meet our requirements in creating a health care co-operative that can care for the People of African Union in the African Diaspora in the USA. The proposed private-public partnership federal government coordinator is to be US Health & Human Service Department. |
The $300B FAU smartWISE Community Reinvestment Coalition Transportation Program will address urban & rural inter-modal transit needs along with bridges and smart highways community drawn from an African American Low-Moderate Income (LMI) Workforce. We are identifying 400 companies and civil society organizational partners who can meet our requirements. The proposed private-public partnership federal government coordinator is to be the Department of Transportation |
The FAU smartWISE Community Reinvestment Coalition Environmental Program believes that as we invest $300B into public-private partnerships like those in all 50 states that fixes sewers, water and air quality for all Americans, rural as well as urban starting with Fort Coffee Oklahoma, as we improve American Export sales to Africa, the America’s and Asia based on our model in Ohio and $145B to be spent to remove lead and other dangers from American soil and housing with a focus on LMI communities; which will help create a new American citizen workforce, lead free. We are identifying 4,000 companies and civil society organizational partners who can meet our requirements. The proposed private-public partnership federal government coordinator is to be the Environmental Protection Agency |
The $350B FAU smartWISE Community Reinvestment Coalition Infrastructure Program will invest $100B to address the federal government management of leases for coal mining while applying $200B in bio-safe level IV developments and/or alternatives approved by the Army Core of Engineers & our national laboratories for those coal plants that are left and or for Urban Green Solutions involving our Sewer Systems with Ohio being a test case along with investing $50B in creating a global power system with a consortium of 10,000 electrical African American contracting companies, strategic industry and civil society organizational partners acting together that will sell power worldwide to the Americas, Asia, and a special focus on Africa as a long term market for the USA. The Bureau of Land Management of the Department of Interior manages over 245 million acres of Federal lands, located mostly in the western States, for multiple uses, including grazing, timber, recreation, and energy and mineral development. Given its regional approach to planning, the proposed infrastructure program would support African American Farmers through its 50 state Community Reinvestment Coalitions and over 300 local CRC’s that support local communities’ interests and enhance their input in BLM planning decisions. This is a $40B program over the next 100 years with $30B going to over 300 local CRC’s to hire the staff needed to support their concerns. In addition, we are identifying 35,000 companies who can meet our requirements. The proposed private-public partnership federal government coordinator is to be the Department of the Interior. |
The FAU smartWISE Community Reinvestment Coalition P3 Logistics Program is carried out under a FAU proposal in development as an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) to be a P3 with the United States Postal Service (USPS) that supports the continuation of services to neighborhoods in light of national security needs through the U.S. Postal Service is not a federal agency but a government-owned corporation. This is in support of foreign Aid in Africa that will meet the needs of the African Famine and that meets the USPS pension needs that draws from an investment of $455B that will support these investments and employing over a million Americans in manufacturing next-generation American made cars, buses, trains and airliners. We are identifying 4,000 companies and civil society organizational partners who can meet our requirements. The proposed private-public partnership federal government coordinator is to be the Department of Commerce. |
Together that is to be a $5 Trillion Dollar Commitment in the form of a community Benefit Agreement for People of African Descent in the USA via public private partnerships. |
In addition, we will hold weekly conference calls, every Thursday at 7PM EST, that will encourage civic participation by fellow members of the US Human Rights Network along with other human rights organizations, civil society organizations that will with civil rights, patriotic, historical, educational, artistic, religious, anti-racism, and economic justice organizations to organize and take part in the creation of a trust called the #BlackFolksPlan.