We look to create through online collaboration a solution to the number 1 human rights problem in America – racism against Americans who are descendants of America’s African Slavery.
FAU looks to create through online collaboration a solution to what was said, by the previous administration, was the number 1 human rights problem in America – racism.
Our solution is to be a executive action debt purchasing program (The Daniels IDIQ) that would be a solution for the fundamental injustice, cruelty, brutality, and inhumanity of African slavery in the United States of America (USA and or America) between 1787 & 1865 and progenitors to the 13 American colonies between 1619 & 1787 & its effects subsequently de jure & de facto of racial & economic discrimination on the descendant Americans of America’s African slavery. It will address the damage incurred by past & current federal government racism against freed African Slaves in the USA from 1865 to 1867 & African Americans from 1867 to 2017.
It will be an answer developed under the philosophy of CRA and implemented as a public-private partnership to the Federal Executive Branch. It will be based on the statements in the interagency response set forth by the US State Department to the United Nations Universal Periodic Review of the USA in 2015 that said “Civil Rights, Ethnic, & Racial Discrimination” is the number one human rights problem in the USA.
It will be a top-down partnership that establishes a process for measuring reinvestment performance at the local level and supports a dialogue among investors (banks included), the African Amerian community, and the government agencies on how to improve performance in poor Americans who are descendants of African Slavery.