Friends of the African Union

We, the African Diaspora in the USA, can be a change Africa needs – now .

Human Rights CouncilPfPADWGEPAD

My first book, “The Black Folks Plan of 2021 – How Did We Get Here” by Hershel Daniels Junior

By the way my Christmas work is now commercially available…….

The Black Folks Plan, how did we get here?: A $6T #BlackFolksPlan for a #JustEconomy

Hardcover published on December 25, 2022

Dedicated to:

Proposal delivered May 16th 2022 based on following email and conference call in which I was the second speaker:

From: Community Engagement <communityengagement@HQ.DHS.GOV>
Sent: Sunday, May 15, 2022 8:10 PM

To: Community Engagement <communityengagement@HQ.DHS.GOV>
Subject: Urgent Invitation: DHS/CRCL (ICCT) Conference Call (Action Requested)

Dear Community Partners,

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties (DHS CRCL) is activating its Incident Community Coordination Team (ICCT) national conference call mechanism on Monday, May 16 2022, at 4:00pm ET to discuss the mass shooting in Buffalo and ongoing concerns with racially or ethnically-motivated violent extremism.

DHS CRCL has heard from many of you who have expressed concerns and requested information and points of contact as a result of this incident. We would like to emphasize that if members of your community have been or may be the targets of possible threats or violence, you should contact your local police department immediately.

The ICCT is the only tool of its kind available for rapid two-way communication between the federal government and impacted communities in the aftermath of a homeland security incident or emergency. The ICCT national call provides timely information to communities and allows them to provide feedback to senior government officials. Senior leadership from DHS and other federal agencies will join us for the call. Information for the ICCT call is below:

Date: May 16, 2022

Time: 4:00pm ET

Call in information:

Phone number: 800 913 8744


There are limited spaces available on the call. Should you have questions related to this ICCT call, you may contact DHS CRCL’s Community Engagement Section at

Thank you as always for your continued support and partnership.




Peter Mina

Senior Official Performing the Duties of the Officer for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties (CRCL)

U.S. Department of Homeland Security


With honor and integrity, we will safeguard the American people, our homeland, and our values.


On that same day we acted based on OHCHR has the honour to refer to General Assembly resolution A/RES/76/266 adopted at its seventy-sixth session entitled “A global call for concrete action for the elimination of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance and the comprehensive implementation of and follow-up to the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action”, which in paragraph 45 requests the Secretary-General to submit to the General Assembly at its 77th session a report on the implementation of the resolution.

A_RES_76_226_E (2)

In light of the preparation of the Secretary-General’s report, OHCHR invites non-governmental organizations to send written contributions to by 16 May 2022.

A brief guidance note and A/RES/76/266 are attached.


Responses should not exceed three pages (supporting documents can be attached).

The deadline for submission is 16 May 2022.

The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights is the leading United Nations entity in the field of human rights, with a unique mandate to promote and protect all human rights for all people.

Our first response:

from: Hershel Daniels <>
date: May 16, 2022, 11:58 PM
subject: resolution of support

From: Hershel Daniels <>
Date: Tue, May 17, 2022 at 12:06 AM
Subject: response to United Nations General Assembly resolution A/RES/76/266
To: <>

The 3 pager that they requested was sent late – 

3 pager response to United Nations General Assembly resolution A RES 76 266 (2)

Plus we responded Tue, May 17, 2022 at 12:06 AM with below document that called for a Global Compact to Build Back the World Better with Democracy in a New World Order with a #JustEconomy as a program of American action driven in response to United Nations General Assembly resolution A/RES/76/266 which was adopted it at its seventy-sixth session entitled “A global call for concrete action for the elimination of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance and the comprehensive implementation of and follow-up to the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action“ .

response to United Nations General Assembly resolution A RES 76 266


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