African Diaspora Directorate Conference Call Sunday, July 28th 2019
African Diaspora Directorate Conference call Agenda Sunday, July 28, 2019
Sunday, July 28⋅2:00 – 6:00pm
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Description: This call is talk about the African Diaspora Directorate and Hamilton County Ohio as ground Zero for it. This call is talk about the African Diaspora Directorate (Page 2 and 3) and Hamilton County Ohio as ground zero for a African Diaspora with allies talk centered about 4 issues –
(1) injustice in the justice system centered around Judge Tracie Hunter’s tribulations and our report to the UN Human Rights Council via the 2020 Universal Periodic Review of the USA (#UNUPR) Pages 4 and 5
(2) President Trump’s tweets to Rep.Elijah Cummings on his district in reference to our 2019 Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent (#WGEPAD) report on the USA Pages 10 through 14
(3) how do we create a #BlackFolksPlan and what does that mean in regards to the condition of People of African Descent (#PAD) in the USA Pages 6 through 9 with data on the USA
(4) funding an effective education K-12 program. We use as an example school district that is proud of a 75% graduation rate, Cincinnati, the largest city in Hamilton County,in a county with 200,000 #PAD population. Our county-wide goal for all students is a graduation rate of 95% by 2030. The question is how do we get there. We start that journey tomorrow.
There has been an agreement to expand the foundations of the African Diaspora Directorate with additional co-founders through the conversion of the established not for profit 501c3 human service organization Brotherhood and Sisterhood International, Inc. into existence as the African Diaspora Directorate. This was agreed upon by Juneteenth 2019 (June 19th, 2019) by the co-founders.
150-years-as-citizens-for-People-of-African-Descent-African-Diaspora-Directorate-Call-July-28th-2This then is to be the African Diaspora’s organizing public call as a Civil Society Organization (CSO) in service to the 300m people of African Descent in the global African Diaspora. A special focus the CSO in 2019 – 2020 is to be on the 47m People of African Descent in the United States of America. Todays focus in on Hamilton County, Washington DC and LA.
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM What is the Economic Strategy we will follow
- What is the African Diaspora Directorate and how did we get here?
- What in injustice as defined by the United Nations and Americans?
- What is the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy?
- What are Community Benefit Agreements? (Such as Erasing the Digital Divide)
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM What is the report we will give to the UN by October 3rd 2019
- What is the United Nations and how does it play in the USA?
- What is the Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent?
- What is the Universal Periodic Review of the United States of America?
- What is a Community Benefit Agreement for People of African Descent?
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM Establish a unified Black Political Voting Infrastructure
- A Black Peoples Plan explained as a Community Benefit Agreement, and what does that mean for the African Diaspora Directorate?
- A Black Peoples Plan Political Action Committee Agreement
- What does that mean in Hamilton County and why?
- What does that mean in elsewhere and why?
FYI – The African Diaspora Directorate is proposed to have four divisions:
(1) Secretariat is to be established in the USA by August 25th, 2019 under management by FAU through 2024
(2) Civil Society Division will work with the African Union’s (AU) Citizens and Diaspora Directorate (CIDO) to implement the AU CIDO’s engagement process with non-state actors through the involvement of the African Diaspora’s Civil Society
(3) Diaspora Division will organize at national in the African Diaspora, regional and or state geographic and Tribal level the people of African Descent in the global African Diaspora which is composed of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in line with AU’s Economic, Social and Cultural Council
(4) Operations Division who will create and operate the partnerships and businesses called for the African Diaspora Directorate Secretariat. African Diaspora Directorate
Co-Founders – Friends of the African Union, which is an Ohio non-reporting unincorporated association (2012), and the Cincinnati Empowerment Corporation (1999) which does business as FAU Global Operations Center (2019) and its public beneficiary company FAU EDcorp, Inc. (2016) and Friends of the African Union smartWISE Economic Development, Inc. (2018) who are known collectively as FAU. FAU plus Sons and Daughters of Africa, Inc, Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League, Inc., The Black Wall Street Cooperative and the African American Agriculturalist Association.
FYI Note: The previous mission statement of the Brotherhood and Sisterhood International (established 1989) was dedicated to fostering the cultural, social and educational development of vulnerable children, youth, adults and families by initiating projects geared toward their development. To nurture and support children, youth, adults and families toward self-worth, dignity, stability and unity through advocacy, outreach, prevention and treatment services. It will keep that mission plus add as its primary mission “service to the people of African Descent in the global African Diaspora”.